Wednesday 12 August 2015

2015 hot drift scooter single wheel monocycle electric smart scooters

In the actual process of cycling  may encounter a lot of the risk of sudden  so any time need to be careful driving  Personal injury not according to the instructions manual  so the company does not undertake any responsibility  So you need to learn more about the product security considerations  and in the process of driving carefully
Primary feature corresponding to the product position resolution
1. The power switch
2. The power indicator light
3. The charging socket
4. The pedal (can turn the fold up)
Open the power switch  check whether the power display normally  if only one soc  please charge before use

1  when the power is on  wait for three seconds  let gyroscope balance  both before and after the push cart  confirm whether the machine open (not open when the wheel before and after shaking, not be moved after opening, can only move forward and backward)
Wear gear 2  after confirm the power  right foot step on the right pedal  the car stay close to the upper right calf  knee joint is pressure slightly back and forth  let the car movement before and after repeated practice  skillfully control vehicles after the next move
Push after 3  get in the car before  left leg  lean forward  give the car a little forward speed compensation  right foot step on the right pedal  can't stands motionless when get on the bus or the body will not balance  to let the bus is in the state of forward movement (principle with riding bikes)
After 4 get on the bus  the body slightly forward the legs stand up straight and tall and straight ahead (don't bend the car) with open arms to find about balance  when light pressure on tiptoe  slowly forward  practicing over and over again. Study begins by crooked  about half an hour later will find the feeling  are applied in an hour  3 hours later.
5  when practicing  crus swelling pain ministries  nervous  this is because the novice legs tightly clamp the car caused by friction  this is normal phenomenon  after three to five days disappear  after mastering cycling technology  little legs won't close to the car  the above phenomenon does not exist
6  want to slow down or stop  leans back or tiptoe lift  the car will slow down or stop completely, backward or tiptoe lift range  the greater the vehicle deceleration faster, special remind  movement range is not easy to ride forward or brake is too large  so as not to fall down. Do not  snap acceleration and deceleration  excessive forward back body
7  batteries and on the local panel has rapid protection  after more than 12 kilometers per hour will call the police  please do not continue to speed up! Stop the power supply after more than 18 kilometers per hour  this car is a free motion  very dangerous! Please do not speeding  the consequence is proud
8  if the battery is displayed in two  do not drive is on a downhill road  lest produce risk
9  the end of the ride  please give the local charge  about two hours  after full (display all four lights  light) remember pull out the plug  in order to avoid damage when charging the battery for a long time or a fire  avoid battery safety accidents (the combustion or explosion.

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