Thursday 15 October 2015

2015 New arrival the cicret bracelet gps tracker bracelet

2015 New arrival the cicret bracelet gps tracker bracelet

- It's a mobile phone with GPS tracking function
- Send SMS to get the watch's position( get map link or detail address SMS)
- SOS and monitor function
- Tracking online can see the watch position and how to moving now
- Alarm and music player
- Easy for use, profession for tracking, more fast and accurate

Main functions:                  
1.  Tracking: watch open GPS, get GPS coordinates, send this data to platform, platform explain out address, send back to watch.
2.  First use: Insert( 2G) sim card in the watch, make sure watch can call ,can send SMS,can go internet by GRPS.
3.  How to tracking this watch: Set SOS phone NO. then send SMS command to the watch to get watch's position.
4.  Tracking Way: Send SMS command, Android phone tracking APK, PC platform tracking online, Website.
5.  Tracking version: signal tracking to get map link or detail address. tracking all times(can set every 60sec(interval time) update data)
6.  Platform: tracking online,check the watch how to moving. Alarm, history (save 1year data) ,Geo-fences,user's info.
7.  Safely each watch have one account/psw, only sos phone can send sms command to set/tracking this watch.
8.  GPS or LBS tracking outdoor tracing by GPS( very accuracy), indoor tracking by LBS ( not accuracy)
9.  LBS LBS tracking: by base stations.(GSM signal) get a theory address,(some countries can not use LBS tracking since Google map not have the local LBS data)

Key Features:
1.  Dial make a call: enter phonebook menu,choose contact phone NO. to make call(the phone NO.need save in sim card first by other phone)
2.  SOS Orange button: press SOS, will call sos phone 3 times, also send SMS(SOS+ detail address) to sos phone.
3.  Tel1 Tel2 family NO.: speed dial: after set Tel1 tel2 phone no. only long press this button will call out directly.
4.  Call back: SOS phone send SMS command"02" to watch, the watch will auto call back to sos phone -two-way conversation
5.  Monitor/Listen: SMS command"03", the watch will auto call back, sos phone can listen sound around watch-one-way conversation
6.  Get map link SMS: SMS command"01", the watch auto reply map link SMS to sos phone.( no need GPRS send data to platform)
7.  Get GPS detail address: SMS command"05", when the watch outdoor get gps signal will auto reply address SMS to sos phone.
8.  Low battery Alarm: SMS command"04", watch auto send SMS to1SOS phone when low battery.
9.  tracking on buyer's platform: need buyer according our watch's protocol amend their own platform, change upload data IP and port.
10.  APK support: Yes-- have settings APK software and tracking APK software for android phone.
11.  MP3 Play Yes
12.  Profiles: General, silent, Meeting, Outdoor,user's style
13.  Alarm: Yes- have 5 alarms
14.  QR-code: QR code for APK tracking software on the user's manual, user can scan to get tracking apk software easily.
15. Go internet: Not have browser, but for tracking, the sim card insert the watch must have GPRS to send data to platform.
16.  Languages (Built-in 6 languages): English, French, Germany, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish.

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