Wednesday 21 October 2015

4 inch car speaker with PP drum paper 16 cm

4 inch car speaker with PP drum paper 16 cm

Speaker is the sound signaling device vehicle. In the process of moving the car, the driver is issued under the provisions of the necessary requirements and the acoustic signal to warn pedestrians and cause other vehicles to ensure traffic safety, but also for the reminder row and transmitting signals.

Adjustment should pay attention to the core and the armature must be uniform around the gap, ping, not skewed, otherwise prone to collide with each other at work, the horn produces harsh noise.

The size of the electric horn speaker volume and by the size of the coil current, the current through the greater the greater the volume, whereas the volume is small, the contact pressure can be varied to adjust the volume. Adjust speaker volume and sound quality are interrelated and therefore require repeated adjustments to get the best sound.

(1) keep the speaker look clean, all wiring to solid.
(2) Regular inspection, tighten the speaker and bracket fixing screws, ensure reliable grounding.
Fixing method (3) speaker greater impact on its pronunciation. In order to make the speaker sound normal, rigid mounting horn can not do, which is fixed to the cushion frame, that is, between the speaker and the bracket to be fitted with leaf springs or rubber pads.
(4) Always check the generator output voltage. Voltage is too high will burn horn contact, low voltage (less than the rated voltage trumpet) speaker will be unusual sounds.
(5) washing, can not rinse with water directly megaphone, in order to avoid leaving water enters the horn speaker does not ring.
(6) When the overhaul speaker, should pay attention to the position of each metal pad and the insulating pad, non-installed wrong.
(7) Continuous horn pronunciation may not exceed 10s, so as not to damage the speakers.
(8) can not be all kinds of foreign objects into the speaker, to avoid abnormal sound..

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