Tuesday 22 September 2015

4inch car speaker with PP drum paper 16cm

4inch car speaker with PP drum paper 16cm

Driving a car speaker is frequently used device, often monosyllabic If you use, the sound quality is poor, and the good times and bad, and sometimes simply does not ring failure, caused much inconvenience to the owners. Car speakers do not sound or abnormal sound how to do? How to perform routine maintenance and car horns horn when self-repair the failure occurs, it should distinguish between a line fault or the speaker's own fault.

Let's look at how the speaker works. When the horn button is pressed on the steering wheel or other locations, the current from the battery flows through the solenoid coil circuits horn relay, the electromagnetic coil to attract the movable relay contact switch is closed, current will flow to the horn at. Current work electromagnet inside the horn so that the diaphragm vibration sound.

The main fault line is the line virtual access, such as: speaker connector terminals loose, horn relay contact ablation, at the steering wheel horn switch poor contact. But in many horn failure, especially in winter, the problem is more the speaker's own fault.

Combined with our use of the environment and other factors, the speaker's own fault mainly for the following reasons:

1. The contact ablation: if prolonged honking horn contact ablation could easily lead to an impedance, the current flowing through the solenoid coil weakened, unable to attract the armature electromagnetic suction decline driven diaphragm normal vibration, resulting in pronunciation husky, do not even ring . But constantly honk if instantaneous strong current through the impedance still able to work, so when the good times and bad will.

2. Speaker inner seal is not good, easy to damp: Although the inside of the horn is closed, but if speaker inner seal is not good washing into the interior space of the air mist or water vapor, water vapor can easily lead to contact damp not work properly.

3. Poor contact electromagnetic coil terminals: Some speakers inside the electromagnetic coil wire terminal fitting is crimped aluminum rivet connections, non-reliable solder connection, if the insulating paint treatment ends enameled wire without a net or a rivet on the crimp is not very easy to produce reliable virtual connection failure, resulting in poor horn work. Such failure is the speaker quality reasons, can not be repaired, only replaced with new parts.

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